Designed in Paris and made in Troyes, the Gabriel bodysuit is like all Flair bodysuits: 100% made in France .
We shouldn't say it, but since it's you... Gabriel is one of my favorites! He is very elegant while being easy to wear and he is above all very COM-FORT-ABLE. A second skin like we rarely see...
Its bare sleeves might make you think it will restrict your movements. It's quite the opposite!
The Gabriel bodysuit is the second skin par excellence . Your skin will no longer be able to do without its soft viscose. Your movements will be amazed by the freedom it gives them...
Made from viscose with a neckline in elastane tulle , this bodysuit gave us a hard time!

Initially, the neckline was planned to be "naked" and in a thicker material. The first test was actually made of neoprene . Yes, but here it is, a neckline associated with a soft material and bare sleeves, well quite simply: it doesn't hold!
The moment I discovered that sewing is also a bit of a science...
And finally here it is! After multiple retouches, it is finally here and, you don't know it yet, but it is for your greatest happiness...
SO :
Creator of Flair.