Le made in France chez Flair

Made in France at Flair

Did you know?

Less than 70 years ago, France dressed itself. Not so long ago, the fashion industry generated many jobs in France and its carbon footprint was much smaller.

Manufacturing anywhere other than in France would not make sense for Flair: beyond creating pieces that we love, it is important to us to promote and keep French know-how alive.
But there's a real cost to this. Today we want to explain to you how we calculate the price of our bodysuits and therefore our margin.

By having our bodysuits produced in Troyes, in a recognized workshop, we are certain that the seamstresses have decent, respectful working conditions and are paid as fairly as possible.

By producing abroad, in China for example, textile companies pay between 5 and 10 times less for labor than in France. This is why they can afford to apply coefficients varying between X6 and X9 (for a piece that will cost them €10 to produce, they will resell it for between €60 and €90, this is also the reason why they can afford to have sales...).

By producing in France, and so that our products remain as accessible as possible, we choose to have a reasonable margin: we apply a coefficient of approximately X3. The margin generated is used to pay our salaries, our premises, our logistician, the advertisements to make ourselves known, etc.

As our friends at Le Slip Français have said so well, we also choose the value of the product rather than its price. A garment made in France has a cost but it is fair. Your garment lasts over time and we try to always offer you more services to make it accessible (payment in 3X, second-hand offer).

Since the Covid crisis, brands like Zara and H&M have become less and less popular.
We hope that the idea of ​​producing “much better and buying much less” will quickly make its way into everyone’s mind!

Thank you to our customers who allow us to accomplish this mission!

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