With May 30th fast approaching, we wanted to take the opportunity to pay tribute to mothers, once again. In the last article, we put our own mothers in the spotlight, but this time, we wanted to talk about those who have recently become mothers: our friends, our sisters, our cousins; those who have very recently experienced this great upheaval in their lives.
Because yes, it is undeniable, when you bring a child into the world, life changes radically. It is a magical event but it can also be complicated. Whether you had difficulty conceiving, whether you are experiencing a painful pregnancy or postpartum, it is a fact: mothers are warriors who deserve to feel good every day. This includes comfortable clothing, such as the bodysuit. Yes, yes, we promise you. We have gathered for you testimonials from mothers who have adopted it and could no longer do without it!

Maybe you no longer allow yourself to wear pieces that used to make you dream. We are here to tell you to dare. Flair bodysuits are clothes that are not only comfortable, but also hug your curves to highlight them. Enough to proclaim your femininity while remaining at the height of comfort. Testimony of Joséphine, 34 years old, living in Paris, mother of Romy, 1 year and a half, and entrepreneur co-founder of the brand Wabi Paris :
“After a baby, we don't always know what to wear or even what suits us. We need to feel good in our clothes: to be comfortable but also desirable. I had a big doubt when putting my Virgile bodysuit back on, and there, a nice surprise: the cut that always manages to show off and the very soft and flexible material to feel good in your clothes, even with baby! A must-have in a mom's wardrobe ;) Now, I'm this close to falling for Capri and Indira !”
And even if you never wore bodysuits in your “old” life, it’s never too late to fall in love with them, as Charlène, 34, living in Paris, mother of Jeanne, 2, and freelance consultant , testifies :
“I had never dared to wear a bodysuit before and now I'm a fan! My two current favorites from Flair are Joséphine with its neckline that suits all busts, and Capri . I love its color, and its shape that reminds me of the Ellen I already have. What I love about bodysuits is that they enhance a basic outfit. I thought it was a model thing but in fact it allows us to feel like a model! Now, I'm pregnant again, and I even put my Ellen bodysuit back on. It's super comfortable.”
Nathanaëlle, 32 years old, living in Aix-en-Provence, mother of Noam, 4 months, and CMO of Miimosa, also gives her testimony to tell us about her postpartum experience and her love for bodysuits:
“My favorite Flair bodysuits are Capri and Seville . After 9 months of pregnancy, the arrival of a child can be trying, and it is extremely important to reconnect with your body. It is not easy to accept these changes, to feel beautiful and desirable again, whether or not you have regained your figure. With a child, you can tend to put yourself on hold, you have less time to spend with yourself. Having comfortable and sexy clothes that you can find yourself in is important. The bodysuit has the advantage of being easy, comfortable, sexy, of shaping the figure, and, what's more, of adapting to all occasions!”
And yes, the bodysuit is not just a beautiful and comfortable garment (even if that would already be good), it is also a practical garment. Indeed, its one-piece side closed by snap buttons proves to be particularly effective when you have to bend down 36 times a day to hug your baby, or run after him as soon as he starts to walk. He does not move from your pants and you, you remain perfect. So, conquered?